Name: Schintlmeister, Alexander
Date of birth: 1957-00-00
Gender: male
Specialisms: Lepidoptera
Collection: Lepidoptera (Malayischer Archipel) an Museum A. Koenig Bonn. Notodontidae noch in seinem Besitz.

Rajaei, H.; Karsholt, O.; Hofmann, Axel; Nazari, V.; ulmer, J. M.; Wanke, D.; Zahiri, R. 2023: A historical review of lepidopterology in Iran. Integrative Systematics, Neustandt an der Aisch 6 (Special issue), S. 19-62, 12 817

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Updated: 2023-12-22 13:49:39
Data recorder: Editha Schubert