Redi, Francesco © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 3273
Name: Redi, Francesco
Also known under: Redhi, Francesco
Date of birth: 1626-02-18
Place of birth: Arezzo
Date of death: 1698-03-01
Place of death: Pisa
Gender: male
Remark: Leibarzt des Großherzogs von Toskana

Beier, M. 1973: The Early Naturalists and Anatomists During the Renaissance and Seventeenth Century. In: Smith, R. F. , Mittler, T. E. & Smith, C. N. (Ed.). History of Entomology. Palo Alto, Annual Reviews Inc., 81-94 S., B15: 9947, pp. 89

Conci, C.; Poggi, R. 1996: Iconography of Italian Entomologists, with essential biographical data. Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova 75, S. 159-382, B15: 10 160 a, pp. 159-382, Portr.

Damkaer, D. M. 2002: The Copepodologist's Cabinet. A Biographical and Bibliographical History. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, XIX+1-300 S., B15: B 2561, pp. 24-25, Portr.

Duméril, C. A. M. C. 1823: [Biographien] Paris; Strasbourg, F. G. Levrault , pp. 244

Eiselt, J. N. 1836: Geschichte, Systematik und Literatur der Insectenkunde, von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Als Handbuch für den Jünger und als Repertorium für den Meister der Entomologie bearbeitet. Leipzig, C. H. F. Hartmann, VIII+255 p. S., B15: 291, pp. 22

Guiart, J. 1898: [Redi, F.] Archives de parasitologie, Paris 1, pp. 420-441, Portr. + Schr.verz.

Henriksen, K. L. 1921: [Biographien] Entomologiske Meddelelser, København 15 (1), B15 10144, pp. 13

Howard, L. O. 1930: History of applied Entomology (Somewhat Anecdotal). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington 84, S. X+1-564, B15: 1018, pp. (Taf. 14)

Imbert, G. 1925: Franceso Redi, L'uomo. Milano

Lhoste, J. 1987: Les entomologistes français. 1750 - 1950. INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), 1-355 S., B15: A 1036, pp. 25

Melis, A. 1949: [Redi, F.] Entomon, Trivandrum 1, B15 12020, pp. 145-147

Miall, L. C. 1912: Early Naturalists, their lives and work., pp. 225-228

Nordenskiöld, E. 1935: History of biology. London, pp. 430-431

Osborn, H. 1946: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 2 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-232 S., B15: 6024, pp. 150-151, Portr.(Taf. 22)

Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., B15: 6024a, pp. 220, Portr. (Taf. 1)

Prandi, D. 1941: Bibliografia delle opere di Francesco Redi. Verlag Nironi & Prandi, Reggio-Emilia, 7 + 38 + 88 S. S.

Rose, H. J. 1850: [Biographien] New Gen. Biog. Dict. 11, pp. 303

Weiss, H. B. 1926: [Redi, F.] Scient. Monthly 23, pp. 220-224

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Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:52
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