Name: Martin Lavallée, Alphonse Francis Marie
Also known under: Lavallée, Alphonse
Date of birth: 1873-11-27
Place of birth: in Paris
Date of death: 1954-01-02
Place of death: in Paris
Gender: male
Specialisms: Lepidoptera

Luquet, G. C.; Jacotot, A.; Dibos, O. 2015: Éléments de biographie sur la vie et l'oevre d'Alphonse Francis Marie Martin Lavallée (°1873-+1954), dit Alphonse Lavallée. Alexanor : Revue française de Lépidoptérologie ISSN: 0002-5208, Paris 26 (6), S. 349-377; Schr.verz., B15:11480

Updated: 2016-01-13 14:50:10
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll