Name: Lafer, German Shlemovich
Also known under: Lafer, G. Sh.; Лафер, Герман Шлемович
Date of birth: 1936-07-14
Place of birth: Gorki
Date of death: 2014-12-29
Gender: male
Specialisms: Carabidae; Coleoptera

Lelej, A. S. 2015: Memory of German Shlemovic Lafer (1936-2014): biographie and list of publications. Eurasian Entomological Journal, Novosibirsk-Moskva 14 (1), S. 1-8, B15:12473

Lelej, A. S.; Storozhenko, S. Yu.; Shabalin, S. A.; Kupianskaya, A. N. 2015: In memory of german Shlemovich Lafer (1936-2014). Tschtenija pamjati Alekseja Ivanovitscha Kurencova = A. I. Kurentsov's Annual Memoiral Meetings, Vladivostok 26, S. 338-340, B15:12107

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:05:23
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll