Name: Tuxen, Sören Ludvig Paul
Also known under: Tuxen, S. L.
Date of birth: 1908-08-08
Place of birth: Kopenhagen
Date of death: 1983-06-15
Gender: male
Remark: Leitete von 1958 bis 1978 die entomologische Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums Kopenhagen.
Specialisms: Protura

Eusébio, R.; Sendra, A.; Enghoff, H.; Reboleira, A. S. 2018: Catalogue of the type material in the entomological collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark: basal hexapods. Zootaxa, Auckland 4457, S. 201-236, 12 336, pp. 201

Nosek, J.; Rusek, J. 1984: Obituar - Soren Ludvig Paul Tuxen Pedobiologia., Jena 27, S. 159-160, B15:11460

Torp, E. 1994: [Tuxen, S. L.] Danmarks Dyreliv 6, B15 A922:6, pp. 11-21

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Updated: 2021-01-18 09:05:24
Data recorder: Clara Bauer