Name: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore
Date of birth: 1805-12-16
Place of birth: in Paris
Date of death: 1861-11-10
Place of death: in Paris
Gender: male
Akronyms: Is.Geoffr.

Anonym 1861: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, Paris 8, pp. XVI

Anonym 1861: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Zeitschrift für Acclimatisation, Berlin 4, pp. 179-180

Anonym 1862: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] American journal of science, devoted to the geological sciences and to related fields, 2. Series , New Haven/Conn. 33 (2), S. 149

Anonym 1864: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] American journal of science, devoted to the geological sciences and to related fields, 2. Series , New Haven/Conn. 34 (2), S. 122-123

Anonym 1872: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, Paris 9 (2), pp. LXXXI-CIV

Blanchard, E. 1845: Note sur la vie et les travaux d'Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Paris, 22 S. S.

Dumas 1873: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Mém. Acad. France 38, pp. CLXXVII-CCXII

Firmin Didot 1857: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Nouvelle biogr. gén. 20, pp. 54

Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1861: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pur et appliqué, Paris 13 (24), B15: 10195, pp. 512

Joly 1863: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Mém. Acad. Toulouse 1 (6), pp. 1-22

Quäbicker, G. 1939: [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I.] Journal für Ornithologie: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft , Berlin 87, pp. 199-200

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Updated: 2016-08-05 11:03:38
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll