Sichel, Julius, 1865-00-00 © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 3891
Name: Sichel, Frédéric Jules
Date of birth: 1802-05-14
Place of birth: Frankfurt (Main)
Date of death: 1868-11-11
Place of death: Paris
Gender: male
Professions: Archäologe; Augenarzt ; Entomologe
Remark: Dr. med. in Paris
Specialisms: Hymenoptera
Akronyms: Sich.
Collection: Hym. an Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris. - Dubletten ex parte via A. Depuiset/Pars vereinzelt.

Dours, A. 1872: [Sichel, J.] Mémoires de la Societé Linnéenne du Nord de la France., Amiens 2, B15 10179, pp. 272-279

Hollier, A.; Hollier, J. 2013: A re-evaluation of the nineteenth-century naturalist Henri de Saussure. Archives of Natural History, London 40 (2), S. 302-319, B15:10991, pp. 305

Marseul, S. A. de 1870: [Sichel, J.] L'Abeille, Nouvelles et faits divers, Paris (No. 6), S. XXIII, B15: 10077, pp. XXIII

Mulsant, E. 1869: [Sichel, J.] Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon (Nouvelle Séries) , Lyon 17 (N.S.), B15: 10187, pp. 383-410, Portr.

Mulsant, E. 1869: [Sichel, J.] Opusc. ent. 14, B15, pp. 73-102

Musgrave, A. 1932: Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775 - 1930. Sydney, B15: 2154, pp. 291

Radoszkovsky 1869: [Sichel, J.] Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, St. Pétersbourg 6, B15 10125, pp. 141

Wilhelm, E. A. 2009: Trabalhos de zoólogos Germânicos sobbre a Maideira (1916-2000). Bocagiana, Funchal (223), S. 1-68, B15:12040

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Updated: 2024-08-16 12:58:28
Data recorder: Editha Schubert