Name: Willughby, Francis
Also known under: Willoughby, Francis
Date of birth: 1635-00-00
Place of birth: Middleton
Date of death: 1672-07-03
Gender: male

Lisney, A. A. 1960: A Bibliography of British Lepidoptera 1608-1799. London, XVIII, 315 S. S., B15: 7281, pp. 10-27, Portr.

Locy, W. A. 1925: Story of Biol., pp. 305-308, Portr.

Miall, L. C. 1912: Early Naturalists, their lives and work., pp. 99-130

Rose, H. J. 1850: [Biographien] New Gen. Biog. Dict. 12, pp. 506

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Updated: 2024-04-05 14:59:45
Data recorder: Editha Schubert