Handwritings of entomologists, 1990-00-00 © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 6518
Name: Fletcher, Thomas Bainbridge
Date of birth: 1878-03-25
Place of birth: Stonehouse
Date of death: 1950-04-30
Place of death: (oder 1951)
Gender: male
Professions: Militär
Collection: Lepidoptera: I. Sammlung Pterophoridae und Orneodidae 1923/24 an Brit. Mus. (N. H.) London; II. Sammlung Pterophoridae, Tortricidae und Tineidae 1937 noch im Besitz von Fletcher. Überliefertes Schriftgut in in Entomological Library ot the British Natural History Museum, London, UK.

Harvey, J. M. V.; Gilbert, P.; Martin, K. 1996: A catalogue of manuscripts in the entomology library of the Natural History Museum, London. Mansell, London, xvi, 251 S., A 3755, pp. 78 f.

Howard, L. O. 1930: History of applied Entomology (Somewhat Anecdotal). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington 84, S. X+1-564, B15: 1018, pp. (Taf. 32)

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Updated: 2024-06-12 12:16:32
Data recorder: Editha Schubert