Name: Joicey, James John
Date of birth: 1871-00-00
Date of death: 1932-03-10
Place of death: Hill Witley, Surrey
Gender: male
Specialisms: Lepidoptera
Collection: Eigentümer des Hill Museums, welches nur Lepidoptera enthielt; siehe Hill Museum.

Anonym 1932: [Joicey, J. J.] Entomological News , Philadelphia 43, S. 140, B15 10004

Anonym 1932: [Joicey, J. J.] The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, London 44, S. 68, B15 10005

Anonym 1933: [Joicey, J. J.] The London Naturalist. The Journal of the London Natural History Society., London 1932

Deslisle, G.; Sclavo, J.-P. 2015: Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies - Forms, Biforms, Oddities, Gynandromorphs, Hybrids. I, 1-813 S., B 3186: 1, pp. 53, Gruppenbild

Gilbert, P. 2000: Butterfly Collectors and Painters. Four centuries of colour plates from The Library Collections of The Natural History Museum, London. Singapore, Beaumont Publishing Pte Ltd, X+166 S. S., B15: B 2547, pp. 31-32

Harvey, J. M. V.; Gilbert, P.; Martin, K. 1996: A catalogue of manuscripts in the entomology library of the Natural History Museum, London. Mansell, London, xvi, 251 S., A 3755, pp. 114 f.

Heppner, J. B. 2012: Historical review of Lepidoptera studies in Taiwan. Lepidoptera Novae, Gainesville 5 (2), S. 85-106, B15 12499, pp. 86

N. D. R. 1932: [Joicey, J. J.] The Entomologist, London 65, S. 142-144, B15 10035

Tennent, W. J.; Beavan, S.; Jones, H.; Martin, G. 2019: A supplementary note to 'An historical note on butterfly collecting in France during The Great War (1914-1918)'. Entomologist's Gazette, Brightwood 70 (4), S. 245-248, 11 255

Turner, H. J. 1932: [Joicey, J. J.] The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, London 44, S. 68, B15 10005

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:55
Data recorder: Editha Schubert