Name: Kerrich, Geoffrey John
Date of birth: 1909-08-12
Place of birth: in Rogate, Sussex
Date of death: 2001-12-22
Gender: male
Remark: Abweichendes Sterbejahr: 2002 (Cook und Logunov 2017). - President of the Manchester Entomological Society (1921-23)
Specialisms: Hymenoptera

Cook, L. M.; Logunov, D. V. 2017: The Manchester Entomological Society (1902-1991), its story and historical context. Russian Entomological Journal, Moscow 26 (4), S. 365-388, 12120

Noyes, J. S. 2003: Obituary. [G. J. Kerrich]. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Brightwood 139 (1667/1669), S. 125-129, B15 10006

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Updated: 2019-09-16 15:55:13
Data recorder: Michael Fiebig