Name: Kertész, Aba
Date of birth: 1857-00-00
Date of death: 1924-00-00
Gender: unknown
Remark: Dr.
Specialisms: Lepidoptera
Akronyms: Kert.
Collection: Lep. Parnassius und Pieridae 1926 an Ungar. Nation. Mus. Budapest.

Zsolt, B.; Kornél, T.; Gergely, K. 2016: A nagy apolló (Parnassius apollo L., 1758; Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) kutatástörténete a Kárpat-medencében/The history of research on the butterfly Apollo (Parnassius apollo L., 1758; Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) in the Carpathian Basin. Annales Musei Historico-Naturalis Hungarici, Budapest 108, S. 251-282, 10 103a, pp. 266-267, 273

Updated: 2019-01-04 10:38:21
Data recorder: Michael Fiebig