Kraatz-Koschlau, Alexander von, 1873-00-00 © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 2217
Name: Kraatz-Koschlau, Alexander von
Date of birth: 1817-00-00
Date of death: 1897-09-12
Place of death: Friedenau
Gender: male
Professions: General
Remark: General der Infanterie
Specialisms: Coleoptera
Akronyms: Kr.-Koschl.; Kr.-Koschlau; V.Kraatz
Collection: Col. (spez. Ceroglossus) via P. Richter/Berlin-Pankow vereinzelt: Ceroglossus via Neervoort van de Poll, via O. E. Janson/London vereinzelt: ex parte an Brit. Mus. (N. H.) London; restl. Col. via E. Witte an Senckenberg. Mus. Frankfurt a. M.

Anonym 1897: [Kraatz-Koschlau, A.] Leopoldina 33, S. 157, B15

Anonym 1897: [Kraatz-Koschlau, A.] Misc. Entomol., Narbonne 5, S. 136, B15 10174

GND: 1025730380 (Click here, to search via GND in beacon.findbuch.de!)
Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:55
Data recorder: Knud Weber