Name: Hamilton, William D.
Also known under: Hamilton, Bill
Date of birth: 1936-08-01
Place of birth: Kairo
Date of death: 2000-03-07
Place of death: London
Gender: male
Specialisms: Hymenoptera

Crozier, R. H.; Crespi, B. J. 2000: [Hamilton, W. D.] Insectes Sociaux. International Jopurnal for the Study of Social Arthropods. - Basel, Boston, Berlin (Birkhäuser Verlag)., Basel 47 (3), B15 11262a, pp. 297, Portr.

Ribeiro, S. P. 2000: William D. Hamilton, 1936-2000. Antenna : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society of London, London 24 (3), S. 119-121, B15 12105

Ribeiro, S. P. 2021: Celebrating the life of William D. Hamilton: 20 years on, a tribute to his influence on a tropical entomologist's career Antenna : Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society of London, London 45 (1), S. 23-24, B15:12105

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Updated: 2021-05-14 11:44:01
Data recorder: Clara Bauer