Name: Mjöberg, Eric Georg
Date of birth: 1882-00-00
Place of birth: As, Hallands Ian, Sweden
Date of death: 1938-07-08
Place of death: Stockholm, Sweden
Gender: male
Specialisms: Mallophaga
Akronyms: Mjöb.; Mjöbg.
Collection: Ausbeuten aus Nordwest-Australien (1910/11)1911, Ost-Australien (1910/13) 1913/14, Sumatra (1919/21) 1921, Borneo ex parte 1922/27 an Naturhist. Riksmus. Stockholm; Rest der Borneo-Ausbeute vereinzelt: Cicindelidae an B. H. Klijnstra, Cleridae via J.B. Corporaal an Zool. Mus Amsterdam; Lycidae via R. Kleine an Inst. Zool. Warszawa; Sphingidae von Borneo via J. Preston Clark an Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh/Penn. - Mall. und Anopl. 1910 an Naturhist. Riksmus. Stockholm.

Anonym 2010: Encyclopedia of Australian science., URL

Ferrer, J. 2015: Eric Mjöberg, un gran entomólogo sueco, incomprendido y maldito. Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, Zaragoza 57, S. 481-493, B15:12052

Forshage, M.; Vårdal, H. 2019: Den entomologiska verksamheten på Riksmuseet 1915-2013. Entomologisk Tidskrift, Uppsala 140 (2), S. 89-106, 10 139

Lambkin, C. L.; Daniels, G. 2023: A history of insects collected, collectors and collecting in Queensland. The Australian Entomologist, Brisbane 50 (3), S. 261-294, 11 849, pp. 271

Updated: 2024-02-13 10:53:48
Data recorder: Editha Schubert