Name: Ilčev, Dielčo
Date of birth: 1885-00-00
Date of death: 1924-00-00
Gender: unknown
Specialisms: Lepidoptera

Bureš, J. 1925: [Ilcev, Dielcho] Jzv. bulg. ent. druž 2, S. 3-22

Graves, P.P. 1925: [Ilcev, Dielcho] Ent. 58, S. 128

Ilcheff, M. D. 1925: [Ilcev, Dielcho] Entomological News , Philadelphia 36, S. 224, B15 10004

Nonveiller, G. 1999: The Pioneers of the research on the Insects of Dalmatia. Zagreb, Hrvatski Pridodoslovni Muzej, 1-390 S., A2355, pp. 194-195

Updated: 2016-01-13 14:50:10
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll