André, Jacques Ernest Edmond © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 73
Name: André, Jacques Ernest Edmond
Also known under: André, Edmond; André, Ernest (2)
Date of birth: 1844-00-00
Place of birth: Beaune, Cote d'Or
Date of death: 1891-01-11
Place of death: Beaune
Gender: male
Remark: Naturalien- und Buchhändler
Specialisms: Coleoptera; Hymenoptera
Akronyms: Ed.André
Collection: Paläarktische Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae via Jakovlev an Zool. Mus. Leningrad.

André, E. 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Species des Hyménoptères d'Europe 5, pp. Vorwort

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] The American Naturalist, a monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences in their widest sence, Philadelphia/Pa. 25, B15 10214, pp. 683

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Third Series, London 27, B15 10006, pp. 80

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Feuille des jeunes Naturalistes, Paris 21 (1890-91), B15 10175, pp. 98-99, Schr.verz.

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Insect Life, Washington 3 (1890-91), pp. 428

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Leopoldina 27, B15, pp. 57

Anonym 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 2, pp. 80

Anonym 1891: [Biographien] Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig 14, B15: 10885, pp. 172

Anonym 1892: [Biographien] Krancher's ent. Jahrb., 1892, B15 272, pp. 197

Constantin, R. 1992: Memorial des Coléopteristes Français. Le Coléoptériste / Bulletin de liaison de l'Association des Coléoptéristes de la Région Parisienne, Paris (Suppl. 14), S. 1-92, B15 B 2410, pp. 8-9

Gilbert, P. 2007: A Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 694 S., A 2972, pp. 13

Godman, F. D. 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] (The) Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for the Year ..., London, B15: 10001, pp. L-LI

Grouvelle, A. 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris 60, B15 10008, pp. V

Kutzscher, C.; Taeger, A. 1998: Portraits und biographische Daten. In: Taeger, A. & Blank, S. M. 1998 (Hrsg.): Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme. Goecke & Evers, 331-336 S., pp. 331, Portr.

Lhoste, J. 1987: Les entomologistes français. 1750 - 1950. INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), 1-355 S., B15: A 1036, pp. 139

T. D. 1891: [Andre, J. E. E.] Il Naturalista siciliano: giornale di scienze naturali , Palermo 10 (1890-91), B15: 10170, pp. 91-92

Wildermann, M. 1892: [Andre, J. E. E.] Jahrb. Naturw. 781891-92), pp. 529

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