Name: Malyschev, Sergej Ivanovitsch
Also known under: Malyschew, Sergej Iwanowitsch
Date of birth: 1884-04-30
Place of birth: (=12. 5.) im Dorf Puzachi, Prov. Kursk
Date of death: 1967-05-09
Gender: male
Collection: Sammlung aus dem Gouv. Kursk 1907 an Zool. Mus. Leningrad.

Pesenko, Yu. A.; Astafurova, Y. V. 2003: Annotated Bibliography of Russian and Soviet Publications on the Bees 1771 - 2002 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea; excluding Apis mellifera). Denisia, Linz 11, S. 1-616, B15: 12011a, pp. 536-537

Strelnikov, I. D. 1968: [Malyšev, S. I.] Entomologitscheskoje obozrenije, Leningrad 47, S. 688-693, B15 10128

Updated: 2016-01-27 14:20:38
Data recorder: Editha Schubert