Edwards, Frederick Wallace © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 5527
Name: Edwards, Frederick Wallace
Date of birth: 1888-11-28
Place of birth: Fletton, Peterborough
Date of death: 1940-11-15
Place of death: London
Gender: male
Specialisms: Diptera
Akronyms: Edw.
Collection: Ausbeuten aus Norwegen und Schweden (1923), Schweiz und West-Tirol (1925), Argentinien und Chile (1926/27, zusammen mit R. C. Shannon), Korsica und USA (1928), Baltikum (1933), Kenya und Uganda (1934) und Pyrenäen (1935) an Brit. Mus. (N. H.) London. Sonstige Diptera (spez. Nematocera) meist im Brit. Mus. (N. H.) London.

Alexander, C. P. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] The Canadian Entomologist, Guelph 73, B15 10219, pp. 94-95

Alexander, C. P. 1942: [Edwards, F. W.] Records of the Indian Museum, Calcutta 44, pp. 31-32

Anonym 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Entomological News , Philadelphia 52, B15 10004, pp. 30

Anonym 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Indian Journal of Entomology, Delhi 3, B15 11327, pp. 149

Anonym 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro 12, B15 10725, pp. 415-416

Blair, K. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Third Series, London 77, B15 10006, pp. 20

E. E. B. 1942: [Edwards, F. W.] Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina - La Plata., La Plata 11, B15 10620, pp. 292-293

Evenhuis, N. L. 1997: Litteratura taxonomica dipterorum (1758-1930). Volume 1 (A-K); Volume 2 (L-Z). 1; 2 Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, VII+1-426; 427-871 S., B15:A2283:1,2, pp. 1: 220-221, Portr.+Schr.verz.

Harvey, J. M. V.; Gilbert, P.; Martin, K. 1996: A catalogue of manuscripts in the entomology library of the Natural History Museum, London. Mansell, London, xvi, 251 S., A 3755, pp. 70 f.

Hobby, B. M. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Journal of the Society of British Entomology., Southampton 2, B15 10849, pp. 122-123

Imms, A. D. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society London 3, pp. 735-745, Portr.

Menzel, F.; Mohrig, W. 2000: Revision der paläarktischen Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae). Studia dipterologica, Supplement, Halle/Saale 6, S. 1-761, B15: 12148a, pp. 11 (nur Portr.)

Porter, E. E. 1940: [Edwards, F. W.] Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 44, pp. 386-387

Riley, N. D. 1940: [Edwards, F. W.] Nature, London 146, B15 11653, pp. 739 -740

Sachtleben, H. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin 8 (4), B15 10838, pp. 286

Smart, J. 1945: [Edwards, F. W.] Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History - London., London 2, B15 10991, pp. 19-34, + Schr.verz.

Smart, P. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] The Entomologist, Dorking 74, B15 10035, pp. 22-24, Portr.

Thienemann, A. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] Archiv für Hydrobiologie: Organ d. Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische u. Angewandte Limnologie / hrsg. von August Thienemann, Stuttgart 38, B15 10523, pp. 480

Usinger, R. L. 1941: [Edwards, F. W.] The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, San Francisco 17, B15 10463, pp. 84

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:51
Data recorder: Michael Fiebig