Name: Kincaid, Trevor Charles Digby
Date of birth: 1872-12-21
Place of birth: Peterboro, Ontario
Date of death: 1970-00-00
Gender: male
Specialisms: Diptera
Collection: Col. an Univ. Washington, Seattle.

Hatch, H. 1950: Studies honoring Trevor Kincaid. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 11-28 S., pp. 1-10

Hatch, M. H. 1949: Century of Entomology in the Pacific Northwest Seattle

Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., B15: 6024a, pp. 204

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:05:14
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll