Name: Schäferna, Karel
Date of birth: 1884-07-03
Place of birth: in Novi Strašec
Date of death: 1950-12-28
Place of death: in Praha
Gender: male

Bartoš, E. 1951: [Schaferna, K.] P?írodovedecky sborník Ostravsk. kraje, Ostrava 12, pp. 143

Koleška, Z. 1993: Seznam biografii čs. entomologů. 14. [Seidl, W.- Szentivanyi, M.]. Klapalekiana, Supplementum, Praha 29, S. 493-563, B15:A2217:14, pp. 499

Updated: 2005-09-27 16:07:07
Data recorder: Reinhard Gaedike