Name: Woodruff, Louis Bartholomew
Date of birth: 1868-00-00
Date of death: 1925-00-00
Gender: male
Collection: Sammlung (speziell Homoptera: Membracidae) 1928 an Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York.

Anonym 1926: [Woodruff, L. B.] Entomological News , Philadelphia 37, B15 10004, pp. 160

Anonym 1926: [Woodruff, L. B.] J. N. Y. Soc. 24, pp. 23-25

Osborn, H. ((Hrsg.)) 1937: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 1 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-394 S., 6024, pp. 211

Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., 6024a, pp. 235

Updated: 2016-01-27 14:20:38
Data recorder: Reinhard Gaedike