Name: Weinfurter, Karel
Date of birth: 1876-05-28
Place of birth: in Jičin
Gender: male
Remark: Beamter
Specialisms: Diptera; Mikrolepidoptera

Koleška, Z. 1995: Seznam biografii čs. entomologů. 15. [Šafr, E.- Žoha, S.]. Klapalekiana, Supplementum, Praha 31, S. 564-775, B15:A2217:15, pp. 705-706

Rozkošny, R. 1971: Bibliography of Diptera in Czechoslovakia 1758-1965. Vyd. Univ. Brno, pp. 179 - 180

Updated: 2016-01-14 12:46:14
Data recorder: Reinhard Gaedike