Name: Dufay, Claude
Also known under: Dufay, C.
Date of birth: 1926-00-00
Date of death: 2001-05-01
Place of death: in Chaponost
Gender: male
Specialisms: Coleoptera; Lepidoptera
Collection: Sammlung Lepidoptera und Coleoptera an Museum Lyon.

Allemand, R.; Clary, J. 2001: [Dufay, Cl.] Bulletin mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, Lyon 70 (8), B15 10187a, pp. 187-200, Portr.+Schr.verz.

Barber, A. 1863: Captures in Leigh Woods. The Weekly Entomologist, London 2 (10), S. 78, B15: 10371

Luquet, G. C. 2003: Nécrologie. [Dufay, C.; Romano, F. P.] Alexanor : Revue française de Lépidoptérologie , Paris 22 (6), S. 313, B15 11480

Updated: 2016-01-27 14:20:38
Data recorder: Eckhard K. Groll