Citations: Jashenko, R. V. 2004: 80 years anniversary of Galina Yakovlevna Matesova (1925-2004). Thetys Entomological Research, Almaty, Almaty X, S. 207-214; Schr.-verz., Taxa-verz., B15:12364
Kazenas, V. L. 2004: Memories about G. Ya. Matesova. Thetys Entomological Research, Almaty, Almaty X, S. 221-222, B15:12364
Kulenova, K. Z. 2004: Dear man of mine. Thetys Entomological Research, Almaty, Almaty X, S. 219-221, B15:12364
Mityaev, I. D. 2004: Memories about Galina Yakovlevna Matesova (1925-2004). Thetys Entomological Research, Almaty, Almaty X, S. 215-219, B15:12364