Name: Pogue, Michael G
Also known under: Pogue, M. G.
Date of birth: 1952-05-31
Place of birth: in San Diego, CA
Gender: male
Specialisms: Lepidoptera; Noctuidae
Collection: donated his personal collection of butterflies, mostly from Colorado to Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Krell, F.; Stephenson, J. T. 2012: The Entomology Collection at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Denver Museum of Nature & Science Technical Report., Denver (6), S. 40-44, pp. 42

Perry, M. C. 2007: The Washington Biologists' Field Club: Its members and its history (1900-2006) Washington Biologists' Field Club, 325 S., pp. 228-229, Portr.

Updated: 2016-02-15 11:17:08
Data recorder: Cornelia Grunow