Name: Alléon, Amédée
Date of birth: 1838-10-08
Date of death: 1904-01-16
Place of death: Konstantinopel
Gender: male
Specialisms: Coleoptera
Collection: Coleoptera (spez. Balkan) via Fürst Ferdinand von Bulgarien an Naturhist. Mus. Sofia.

Anonym 1904: [Alleon, A.] Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris 1904, B15 10008, pp. 37

Anonym 1905: [Biographien] Krancher's ent. Jahrb., 14, B15 272, pp. 237

Constantin, R. 1992: Memorial des Coléopteristes Français. Le Coléoptériste / Bulletin de liaison de l'Association des Coléoptéristes de la Région Parisienne, Paris (Suppl. 14), S. 1-92, B15 B 2410, pp. 8

Gilbert, P. 2007: A Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 694 S., A 2972, pp. 10

Updated: 2021-05-06 11:23:41
Data recorder: Editha Schubert