Name: Miller, Hermann
Date of birth: 1826-02-28
Date of death: 1874-06-21
Gender: male
Remark: Kaufmann
Specialisms: Lepidoptera
Collection: Pal. Lep. via H. Dohrn an Mus. Naturkunde Stettin*.

Anonym 1874: [Miller, H.] Stettiner entomologische Zeitung, Stettin 35, S. 320, B15 10000

Harvey, J. M. V.; Gilbert, P.; Martin, K. 1996: A catalogue of manuscripts in the entomology library of the Natural History Museum, London. Mansell, London, xvi, 251 S., A 3755

Updated: 2024-11-13 10:41:19
Data recorder: Editha Schubert