Rottenberg, Arthur Leopold Alb. Maria Freiherr von, 1873-00-00 © Senckenberg DEI, PSlg: 3475
Name: Rottenberg, Arthur Leopold Albert Maria
Date of birth: 1843-11-10
Place of birth: Breslau
Date of death: 1875-04-13
Place of death: Mühlgast bei Raudten, Schlesien
Gender: male
Professions: Freiherr
Specialisms: Coleoptera
Collection: Europ. Col. (spez. Schlesien und Sizilien) via K. Letzner an Dt. Ent. Inst. Berlin*.

[Marseul, S. A. de] 1887-1888: Les Entomologistes et leurs Écrits. L'Abeille. Journal d'entomologie. Cinquieme. série. , Paris 25(=1), S. 193-224, B15: 10077, pp. 223-224, Schr.verz.

Nonveiller, G. 1999: The Pioneers of the research on the Insects of Dalmatia. Zagreb, Hrvatski Pridodoslovni Muzej, 1-390 S., A2355, pp. 245

Okáli, I.; Országh, I.; Matoušek, B.; Hrabovec, I. 1996: Slovník slovenských zoológov a zoológov so vzťahmi k územiu Slovenska. Bratislava, 1-137 S., B15: A 2585, pp. 101

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:56
Data recorder: Editha Schubert