Citations: Anonym 1924: [Campion, H.] The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Third Series, London 60, B15 10006, pp. 69
Anonym 1924: [Campion, H.] Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 35, B15 10004, pp. 190 (90?)
Calvert, P. P. 1924: [Campion, H.] Entomological News and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia 35, B15 10004, pp. 265-266
Gatiar, C. J. 1924: [Campion, H.] The Entomologist, Dorking 57, B15 10035, pp. 72
Musgrave, A. 1932: Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775 - 1930. Sydney, B15: 2154, pp. 39-40, + Schr.verz.
Seehausen, M.; Turiault, M.; Fliedner, H.; Deliry, C. 2023: "A nice old greybeard" - Friedrich Ris' correspondence archived at the Senckenberg Museum Franfurt/Main, Germany. Report/ International Dragonfly Fund. A Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund., Frankfurt 2023 (180), S. 1-84, 12 326, pp. 10-11