Name: Montschadskij, Aleksandr Samojlovitsch
Date of birth: 1897-00-00
Place of birth: Petersburg
Date of death: 1974-00-00
Gender: male
Specialisms: Insecta; Parasitologie

Anonym 2000: [Montscharskij, A. S.] Trudy Russkogo Entomologitscheskogo Obschtschestva, S. Peterburg 71, B15 10125, pp. 51, Portr. (Karikatur)

Vinogradova, E. B.; Dubinina, E. V. 2002: Pamjati A. S. Montschadskogo. Russian Entomological Journal, Moscow 11 (3), S. 325-329, B15 12120

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:05:21
Data recorder: Editha Schubert