Name: Cooling, Lancelot Evon
Date of birth: 1893-00-00
Place of birth: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date of death: 1924-12-13
Place of death: Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Gender: male
Specialisms: medizinische Entomologie

Anonym 2010: Encyclopedia of Australian science., URL

Bryan, W. H. 1925: [Cooling, L. E.] Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane 37, pp. 1-2

Frances, S. P. 2023: Queensland military entomologists, their contributions to the defence force and life afterwards. The Australian Entomologist, Brisbane 50 (3), S. 247-260, 11 849

Gilbert, P. 2007: A Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 694 S., A 2972, pp. 117

Musgrave, A. 1932: Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775 - 1930. Sydney, B15: 2154, pp. 55, Schr.verz.

Updated: 2024-02-12 11:44:41
Data recorder: Editha Schubert