Name: Coquillet, Daniel William
Date of birth: 1856-01-23
Place of birth: bei Woodstock, IL
Date of death: 1911-07-07
Place of death: Atlantic City, NJ
Gender: male
Specialisms: Diptera
Collection: Diptera an Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist. Washington.

Anonym 1935: [Coquillet, D. W.] Arx. Escola Sup. Agr. Barcelona 1, pp. 497-499, Portr.

Banks, N. (et al.) 1912: [Coquillet, D. W.] Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Columbus/Ohio 5, B15 10270, pp. 75

Banks, N. 1911: [Coquillet, D. W.] Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, 13, B15 10215, pp. 195-210, + Schr.verz.

Brues, C. T. 1911: [Coquillet, D. W.] Psyche, Boston/Mass. 18, B15: 10002, pp. 159

Cresson, E. T. jr. 1911: [Coquillet, D. W.] The Entomologist, Dorking 22, B15 10035, pp. 337-338, Portr.

Essig, E. O. 1931: A History of Entomology. New York, Macmillan Company, VI+1-1029 S., B15: 4884, pp. 588-592, Portr.

Evenhuis, N. L. 1997: Litteratura taxonomica dipterorum (1758-1930). Volume 1 (A-K); Volume 2 (L-Z). 1; 2 Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, VII+1-426; 427-871 S., B15:A2283:1,2, pp. 1: 158-159, Portr.+Schr.verz.

Gilbert, P. 2007: A Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 694 S., A 2972, pp. 117

Hewitt, C. G. 1911: [Coquillet, D. W.] The Canadian Entomologist, London 43, B15 10219, pp. 311-312

Howard, L. O. 1930: History of applied Entomology (Somewhat Anecdotal). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washington 84, S. X+1-564, B15: 1018, pp. (Taf. 6)

Knight, K. L.; Pugh, R. B. 1974: [Coquillet, D. W.] Mosquito Syst. 6, pp. 214-215, 217-219, + Schr.verz.

Lizer y Trelles, C. A. 1947: I. Introduccion e historia de la entomologia. In: Curso de Entomologia. Publicación de extensión cultural y didáctica / Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires (No. 1), S. XVI+X+1-52, B15: 10466b, pp. 15

Mallis, A. 1971: American Entomologists. Rutgers Univ. Press New Brunswick, B15 A1642, pp. 389-391, Portr.

Musgrave, A. 1932: Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775 - 1930. Sydney, B15: 2154, pp. 55-60

Osborn, H. ((Hrsg.)) 1937: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 1 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-394 S., 6024, pp. 203-204, Portr.(Taf. 22)

Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., 6024a, pp. 186

Stone, A. 1980: [Coquillet, D. W.] Flies of the Nearctic Region 1, B15 A535:1,1, pp. 41

Wade, J. S. 1936: [Coquillet, D. W.] Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, Washington 38, B15 10215, pp. 110-111

Walton, W. R. 1914: [Coquillet, D. W.] Journal of the New York Entomological Society: devoted to entomology in general, Lawrence; New York 22, B15 10003, pp. 159-164

Updated: 2021-03-15 11:22:57
Data recorder: Clara Bauer