Citations: Anonym 1948-1949: [Annand, P. N.] Who is Who in America 25, pp. 73
Anonym 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Evening Star Washington D.C. March 30, sect. A, pp. 26, Portr.
Anonym 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Rep. Ent. + Plant Quarant. U.S.D.A. 1950, pp. 6
Anonym 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Washington Daily News Mar. 30, pp. 53
Anonym 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Washington Post Mar. 30, Sect. B, pp. 2
Anonym 1951: [Annand, P. N.] Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, Washington 53, B15 10215, pp. 3
Cardon, P. V.; White, W. H. 1951: [Annand, P. N.] Journal of Economic Entomology ISSN: 0022-0493, Menasha/Wisc 44, B15 10592, pp. 268-270, Portr.
Cattel, J. 1949: Amer. Men of Science., pp. 60
Fauré, G. O. 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Agricultura técnica, Santiago de Chile 10 (1), pp. 56-57
Gilbert, P. 2007: A Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists Leiden, Backhuys Publishers, 694 S., A 2972, pp. 15
Mallis, A. 1971: American Entomologists. Rutgers Univ. Press New Brunswick, B15 A1642, pp. 424 - 425, Portr.
Morrison, H. 1950: [Annand, P. N.] Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Columbus/Ohio 43, B15 10270, pp. 460
Olalquiaga Fauré, G., Don 1951: [Annand, P. N.] Revista Chilena de Entomologia., Santiago (Chile) 1, B15 11243, pp. 282
Osborn, H. ((Hrsg.)) 1937: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 1 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-394 S., 6024, pp. 246, Portr.(Taf. 34)
Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., 6024a, pp. 175, Portr.(Taf. 29)