Name: Emerson, Alfred Edwards
Date of birth: 1896-00-00
Date of death: 1976-10-03
Place of death: Glen Falls, NY (mit 79 Jahren)
Gender: male
Specialisms: Isoptera
Collection: Isoptera der Welt: Typen an Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York; Sammlung ex parte 1953 an Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus., ex parte 1954 an Nation. Mus. Nat. Hist.Washington, ex parte an Mus. civ. St. nat. Genova.

Anonym 1976: [Emerson, A. E.] Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, College Park, Md. 22 (4), B15: 10270a, pp. Umschlagseite

Anonym 1991: [Emerson, A. E.] Sociobiol. 19 (2), B15 11870, pp. 292 + Titelseite (Portr.)

Osborn, H. ((Hrsg.)) 1937: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 1 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-394 S., 6024, pp. 260

Osborn, H. 1946: Fragments of Entomological History Including Some Personal Recollections of Men and Events. 2 Columbus, Ohio, Published by the Author, 1-232 S., B15: 6024, pp. nur Portr.(Taf. 5)

Osborn, H. 1952: A Brief History of Entomology Including Time of Demosthenes and Aristotle to Modern Times with over Five Hundred Portraits. Columbus, Ohio, The Spahr & Glenn Company, 1-303 S., 6024a, pp. 191, Portr.(Taf. 10)

Poggi, R.; Conci, C. 1996: [Emerson, A. E.] Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova 75, B15 10160a, pp. 44 (Sammlungsverbleib)

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:51
Data recorder: Editha Schubert