Name: Farren, William
Date of birth: 1836-00-00
Date of death: 1887-11-21
Place of death: Cambridge
Gender: male
Collection: Britische Lepidoptera 1895 via J. C. Stevens/London verauktioniert.

Anonym 1888: [Farren, W.] The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, Third Series, London 24 (1887-88), B15 10006, pp. 235

Carrington, J. T. 1888: [Farren, W.] The Entomologist, Dorking 21, B15: 10 035, pp. 71-72

Dimmock, G. 1888: [Biographien] Psyche, Cambridge/Mass. 5 (1888-1890), B15: 10002, pp. 35

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:51
Data recorder: Klaus Rohlfien