Name: Kempf, Frei Walter Wolfgang
Date of birth: 1920-03-26
Place of birth: Speyer
Date of death: 1976-08-20
Place of death: Washington
Gender: male
Specialisms: Hymenoptera

Anonym 1977: [Kempf, F. W. W.] Revista Brasiliera de Entomologia, Sao Paulo 20 (3/4), B15 11403, pp. 207-208, Portr.

Lopes, S. 1978: [Kempf, F. W. W.] Studia entomologica: revista internacional de entomologia, Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro 20, S. 2-15, B15: 11238

Updated: 2024-09-26 12:14:51
Data recorder: Reinhard Gaedike