World Bibliography of Agromyzidae and Chloropidae Online Introduction

Table of Contents

  1. About Bibliography
    1. Notes for the collected bibliography
    2. Digitization of the References collected with VCH BIBLIO
  2. Structure of the Website
    1. Hit List
    2. Detail Page
  3. Operation of the Website
    1. Finding the Citations
    2. Sort the Citations
  4. Transliteration
  5. Right of use

1. About Bibliography

1.1. Notes for the collected bibliography

Three boxes with about 3,500 yellow file cards belong to the author’s Agromyzidae collection. Each checked biological/entomological journal has its own file card(s) on which all volumes are noted which the author during 57 years has thoroughly searched for mentioned agromyzids/chloropids and their larvae. For several journals nearly all volumes were checked for such literature, e.g. The Entomologist’s monthly Magazine, vol. 1/1864–146/2010. If anybody wants to search undetected articles or notes this file card system would help to prevent double search. Later curators of the M.v.T. collection could be asked for scanning selected cards.

1.2. Digitization of the References collected with VCH BIBLIO

The author has been using the VCH BIBLIO program, 32 Bit Edition for Windows, 3rd edition, May 30, 1996 since the transfer of his handwritten file cards in the late nineteens of the last century. The work to collect publications on Agromyzidae and Chloropidae on file cards and as xerocopies, separata and books was started in 1966. Over time, 27 data fields were created and filled with the appropriate data. In addition to the actual citations, numerous further information and about 3,400 keywords are available.

In order to be able to display the names of the authors and titles of the publications true to the original, a character set was created that used 57 characters above the ordinal number 128 for country-specific letters, which were largely unused at the time. Some Icelandic, Lithuanian and Slovenian letters were not created. All titles of articles and books in Cyrillic scripts (Bulgarian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian languages) which the author had seen were transliterated following the German obligatory DUDEN dictionary, presenting the official spelling of German words and transliteration tables at that time. In the nineteens the German system used letters with apocritic signs which can be re-transliterated in the original language without changing the original Cyrillic letters. Except Serbo-Croatian, the three used transliteration tables are presented in this database (see Transliteration). Titles found cited only in their different English transliteration were taken over unchanged.

During the digitization of the data from VCH BIBLIO, the country-specific letters were transformed into the comprehensive UTF-8 character set. In this way, more than 28,000 data records (as of June 2023) could be transferred to a MySQL database without loss.

2. Structure of the Website

Settings Introduction Autor Names Keywords Agromyzidae Chloropidae Diptera

Via the menu ☰ at the top edge of the page you can reach the Settings, this Introduction, supplementary data to this bibliography, M. von Tschirnhaus Agromyzidae and Chloropidae as well as further links to  Diptera. You can use the settings to change the language of the operating elements and some data in the hit list, for example in the "Keywords" column. Select German or English. Enter the number of lines you want the hit list to display and then click "Save". A cookie on your device now contains this information for future visits to the website. If you select "Do not save", no cookie will be saved and the programme will use English and 10 lines in this case.

The citations (=rows of the table, =data records) are displayed in the form of a table below the menu. However, only the columns that can be searched are visible. All further information can be found under "Details". To do this, click on the data sheet symbol on the left next to each citation.

page 4, citations 31 - 40 of 28059

The pagination buttons are located below the hit list. Depending on the position in the database, you can scroll back with the left and forward with the right buttons. The page number and the count of the visible data records are given between the buttons.

2.1. Hit List

submit submit
Linnaeus, Carolus
Linnæus, C.
page 1, citations 1 - 5 of 8

Searching for wanted citations and sorting them is done using the controls in the three-line table header. A selection of sorting operators is hidden behind the column title, a selection of search operators behind the second header line and the search term can be entered in the third line. Active operators and search words are displayed in blue font on a light background. The query in the example above can be read from top to bottom as: Search for lines of the bibliography for which: authors(s) starts with Linne, C. .

The left column of the table, called "Action", shows two buttons in the table header. With submit, the in the control elements previously entered data are sent to the server to get the wanted hit rows. The button reset triggers a defined initial state. That means, all citations are included in the list, sorted alphabetically by author and year and the first lines are displayed.

The action column shows the symbol of a text page for each hit line. Clicking on it will take you to the details page.

The last line of the hit list contains the button for downloading the selected data. Depending on the settings in the web browser, they are displayed immediately or stored in the download directory.

2.2. Detail Page

Linnæus, C. 1750: Rón Om Sló-korn = (Observations on poorly developed kernels) - Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, Stockholm 11 (= 5(2)): 179-185
frit; Sweden; seeds
Linnaeus, C.
Author(s) extended spelling
Linnæus, C.
Publication year
Rón Om Sló-korn
Title translated
(Observations on poorly developed kernels)
Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar
11 (= 5(2))
Page(s), etc.
Place of publisher
Chloropidae; Oscinella frit as "Korn-Flugan" 184-185
Notes of M.v.T.
oder 5(2) Uppsala (Es gibt eine deutsche Übersetzung, vergl. 18526 frit S. 187)
back to hit list

The following table describes all possible data fields from VCH BIBLIO in alphabetical order and an explanation of their content.

Line Explanation
Author(s) / Author(s) extended spelling In principle, first names of authors of journal articles are abbreviated in the bibliography, with the exception of Chinese and Korean first names if they are fully visible in an article. First names appear here in different variants: rarely one-syllable, usually two-syllable, combined with or without a hyphen and followed by a comma in the national language. The reason for this is that the corresponding one-syllable surnames are very short and are therefore frequently used by many authors, e.g. Yang or Kang. Some surnames in other languages are so common (e.g. Schmidt, Maier, Meier, Meyer, Singh) that it is helpful to distinguish people by adding the full first name.
In contrast, first names of book authors or editors are used in full whenever possible. If they appear as abbreviations in the original book, a search was carried out to find out the full spelling. In this case, the added letters were placed in square brackets. For a long time, the German library lending system required such a search before releasing the user's order, and this may still be the case in other countries. For abbreviated first names, only one letter is used, e.g. T. instead of Th. for Theodor. But 14 translated Cyrillic letters are represented by two or four Latin letters: Ch Ja Je Ji Jo Ju Kh Sh Shch Ts Ya Ye Yu and Zh. They cannot be reduced to one letter and must be used in quotations. In several languages, surnames are followed by first names, e.g. in Chinese, Korean and Hungarian. In the bibliography, the reverse order is used if it is clear which the "first" name is. In Portuguese, it is not always easy to interpret whether the first name is followed first by the mother's name (matronymic names, full or abbreviated) and then the father's name or parts of the father's name consisting of several words. If the mother's name is abbreviated as part of the full name, it could also be interpreted as an abbreviated first name. Printers were also often in doubt and misinterpreted the parts of the name in the title. The same may rarely have happened in the bibliography. With patronymic names (Spanish), the first name is followed by the full name of the father and the subsequent name of the mother is often abbreviated by a letter with a full stop.
In the bibliography, prefixes of surnames are prefixed and not suffixed, e.g. d', da, de, de la, dell', do, Docters van, le, van, van de, van den, van der, van't, von. In some countries (e.g. Belgium), certain prefixes begin with a capital letter. The details of the use of names are explained by Evenhuis (2020), but as far as the position of the prefixes since 1966 (the beginning of the compilation of my bibliography) is concerned, I have used the surnames as if they were spoken. The bibliography follows the original title exactly, including capitalisation. As a general rule, nouns are capitalised and adjectives are written in lower case, even when they refer to cities, counties, countries, continents or empires. Misspelled words or terms in titles are labelled with the Latin [sic!], which means "just as wrong as it is". Added English translations of titles are copied word by word if they are printed in the original article, including its English summary. If such English title translations are missing, the author has added his own translation from other languages, sometimes with the help of colleagues who share the language with the language of the article text. Sources from meeting reports and other proceedings without a title have been given a title in square brackets, derived and abbreviated from the first sentence for the scientific observation or taxon in question alone.
See also "Author Names" in the menu bar and "3.1 Finding the Citations : Author(s)".
BIBLIO number Contains the number from BIBLIO which is used in "Agromyzidae", "Chloropidae" and many file cards.
Book title with pages Contains book or series title, theses, dissertations, series titles, congress abstracts, circulars.
Copy If the original had not been seen there is no copy present in the M.v.T. library of books, xerocopies and separata. Scientific names in such references mostly are only transferred to the taxonomic file cards if the scientific name is present in the given title; in the line "Notes of M.v.T." such a name is mentioned as e.g. "atricornisKK" (KK =Karteikarte/file card).
DOI and Links Contains DOI code and/or link to free of charge full text resources. During the data transfer from VCH BIBLIO, spaces were mistakenly inserted in some URLs and may need to be removed.
Focus In addition to the keywords, the database contains the "Focus" field, in which the user can recognise at a glance which families are dealt with in the source. Special features are often pointed out and page references follow:
new taxaat least one new scientific name is included in the source, regardless of whether it is actually valid or not
nomina nudaonly nomina nuda are introduced
world listthe reference for the world list is necessary, although no nominal species are described in it
Following "Organisms" are groups of animals and other organisms that are treated as beneficials, parasitoids, parasites, antagonists, episites/predators, hosts or inquilines (lodgers) of Agromyzidae or Chloropidae. The following abbreviations have been used, but the full names are also included in the list of keywords:
acAcari [Chelicerata], mites
amAmlypygi [Chelicerata], whip spiders
arAraneae [Chelicerata], spiders
asAsilidae [Diptera, Orthorrhapha], robber flies
avAves, birds, mainly tits and swifts
beBethylidae [Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea], flat wasps
brBraconidae [Hymenoptera], braconids
ceCeraphronoidea: Megaspilidae [parasitoid Hymenoptera]
chChalcidoidea [Hymenoptera; Eulophidae, Pteromalidae, etc.]
cyCynipoidea, Figitidae [Hymenoptera], zoophagous gall wasps
diDiaprioidea [parasitoid Hymenoptera]
emEmpidoidea [Diptera], empidid dance flies, long-legged flies
epEpisiten (predators) z. B. Thysanoptera (thrips); Diptera: Muscidae: Coenosia; Neuroptera: Chrysopa (lace wing)
foFormicidae [Hymenoptera], ants
heHeteroptera, true bugs
icIchneumonidae [Hymenoptera], ichneumonids
laLaboulbeniales [Ascomycota], sac fungi parasitic on arthropods
leLepidoptera, butterflies und moths
maMantodea, praying mantids
meMegaloptera, megalopterans: alderflies, dobsonflies, fishflies
mmMammalia, mammals
neNematoda, nematods
orOrthopteroidea: Acrididae, Tettigoniidae, grasshoppers & katydids
paParasitoids in unseen or general publications
prProctotrupoidea/Platygastroidea [parasitoid Hymenoptera]
scScathophagidae [Diptera, Schizophora], scathophagid flies
spHymenoptera Aculeata [Sphecidae, Gasteruptionidae, Apidae, Chrysididae, Vespidae], mud daubers, bees, chrysidids, wasps
Issue Issue, fasciculus, part, Lieferung; if an issue exclusively has a separate pagination beginning with p. 1 it urgently should be cited. In such cases, this database presents the issue without space joined with the volume number in "Volume" and not separate in the field "Issue".
Journal Journal title; Compare and e-mail Archiv 2017, 6. July. Journal titles were cited according to the system used for decades in the three-volume "World List of Scientific Periodicals Published in the Years 1900-1960, edited by Peter Brown & George Burder Stratton" according to uniformly strict rules: Adjectives are generally written in lower case (with a few British exceptions) in order to distinguish them from nouns of the same stem in abbreviations. This is still the case for German, French and Latin adjectives today. Journals in Cyrillic script were written entirely in lower case, with the exception of state and proper names. The bibliography of this database follows these rules.
Keywords The keywords were created with the author's main entomological interests in mind: Taxonomy, phylogeny, morphology, ecology, faunistics, phenology, behaviour, host-plant relationships, bibliography, entomological history, etc. The many topics of applied entomology such as chemical control and damage assessment were not given special keywords. Host plant genera with the corresponding family name were included at least if they were published later than the two fundamental works by Spencer (1990) and Benavent-Corai et al. (2005). The genera listed in these two works and those of Hering (1957, 1968) were not provided with the genus keyword as a cross-reference to these works. The same applies to the databases of Ellis (2021) and Edmunds (2012) and the book of Eiseman (2019). All these sources can be easily searched via indexes or electronically. Cities with a natural history museum have a keyword if they house cited collections of species of Agromyzidae or Chloropidae. Names of authors have a keyword if their collection is discussed or an obituary or portrait is present in the source. A visual overview of the generated alphabetical keywords helps to get an overview of which topics can be searched or combined with other keywords or topics using the various combined search options of this bibliography.
See also "Keywords" in the menu bar and "3.1. Finding the Citations" : Keywords.
Language(s) Language, language of summaries in lower case, see list below [copied from the abbreviations used in "Entomology Abstracts", several abbreviations are added by M.v.T. A dot after the capitalised abbreviation means that summaries are missing.
Af = Afrikaans, An = Armenian, Ar = Arabic, Az = Azerbaidzan, Be = Belorussian, Bg = Bulgarian, Ca = Catalan, Ch = Chinese, Cr = Croatian, Cs = Czech, Da = Danish, De = German, Ee = Estonian, Ep = Esperanto, Es = Spanish, Fi = Finnish, Fl = Flemish, Fr = French, Ge = Georgian, Gr = Greek, He = Hebrew, Hi = Hindi, Hu = Hungarian, Ic = Icelandic, In = Indonesian, It = Italian, Kg = Kirgiz, Ja = Japanese, Kz = Kazakh, Ko = Korean, Li = Lithuanian, Lt = Latin, Lv = Latvian, Ma = Macedonian, My = Malay, Nl = Dutch, No = Norwegian, Pl = Polish, Pt = Portuguese, Ro = Romanian, Ru = Russian, Sh = Serbo-Croatian, Sk = Slovak, Sn = Slovenian, Sv = Swedish, Th = Thai, Tr = Turkish, Uk = Ukrainian, Vi = Vietnamese, Wa = Welsh
The abbreviation with a capital initial letter indicates the language in which the publication is written. If it is followed by a full stop, there is no summary. An abbreviation with a small initial letter indicates a summary in this language. If there is no dot after the language abbreviation, the entry in the original VCH-BIBLIO database was made at an early stage without taking summaries into account.
Notes of M.v.T. Notes; additionbiblio from 27622 on 5 Dec. 2021 entered titles, changes, additions, new keywords in GREEN in keyword list; serial title characters checked; üü3 = three further titles in the Lit.Verz. not recorded; xxx taxonomic title for world list; 00 title not available in the FRG at the time of entry; vt = entry completed earlier or completed without an existing copy; vtt = entry completed; b = ordered; AutorKK = double names of authors and uncertain first/surnames recorded in own BIBLIO database "Author names" with reference to spelling in BIBLIO; ISBN or ISSN numbers partially indicated (8 digits); place? - Place of publication is still missing or cannot be determined; conversion of special characters in WORD: d13c35 Note: üü3 Japanese = 3 Japanese titles in the bibliography not included in BIBLIO; üü = several titles not included in BIBLIO.
Notes with the BIBLIO number 22518 (without colon and without following page, usually with the addition "add" or "corr.") refer to the database "Systema dipterorum" (SD) and indicate that corrections or additions need to be made to this SD record, or that a record is still missing. This database provides the corrections. Since the number 22518 was entered in recent years, the record in SD may have already been changed, corrected, supplemented or added by by the editors Neal Evenhuis & Thomas Pape. The necessary corrections indicated are incomplete, as they were only determined on a random basis.
Place of publisher Place of publisher or resource. In "Citation" it is appended to the journals name for journal articles and to the publisher for book titles.
Publisher Publisher; if possible with first names. See also "Author Names" in the menu bar and "3.1. Finding the Citations" : Author(s).
Publication year / Publication date Publication year; publication date (day.month.year) supplements the publication year for taxonomic priority searches in many datasets. If dots are missing, the day and month are represented by zeros.
ReferenceThe relevant data are summarized similar to the references in Contributions to Entomology.
Secondary sources One citation (author, year, page) is included only in the line "Secondary source" when a publication is equipped with a "no" in the line „Copy“. Such information is necessary for most library lending systems to order a source with missing national verification. For many references the following international entomological bibliographies are mentioned with volume and reference number (or in the case of RaE(A) page number) if a title is included: BA = Biological Abstracts; CABI = Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (checked until 2022); EA = Entomology Abstracts (all volumes checked), RaE(A) = Review of applied Entomology (Agricultural) continued as RaE = Review of agricultural Entomology (both checked until vol. 87/1999); ZR = Zoological Record (all volumes checked from vol. 1 until the year 2022); ISBN of certain books are given, too.
Title / Title translated Titles of articles and books. A title translated into English is shown in round brackets if the translation was made by M.v.T.. English translations published in the original title are without brackets and were always preferred, even if they were written in incorrect English and thus incorrectly adopted.
Volume and Issue Volume and number of issue/fasciculus/part/Teil/Heft/Lieferung; if the issue number without space follows the volume number it has its own pagination beginning with p. 1. Thus, it should not be omitted in citations. Compare Issue above!

Finally, you can return to the hit list with back to hit list at the bottom left. Please do not use the "back" button in your web browser!

3. Operation of the Website

3.1. Finding the Citations

At the beginning or after clicking on reset all citations are in the hit list. To search for records based on values in the columns, the search method and the wanted value are entered in row 2 of the table header and row 3 respectively.

The search method initially is set to the most commonly used. Click on the word to change it. In the input list that now appears, select an operator, e.g. "begins with".

To enter a search term, click on ..., e.g. below Author, and enter the wanted value. Then click submit. All columns selected for searching, the search operators and the search words entered are displayed in blue font on a light background.

The table below explains how to search in the various columns.

Column Method Explanation
Number is equal to Finds the citation with the exact number from VCH BIBLIO. These numbers are also noted on the file cards of Agromyzidae and Chloropidae (see menu) and the corresponding citation can be found with them.
is less/equal Finds the citations whose number is less than and equal to the entered value.
is greater/equal Finds the citations whose number is greater than and equal to the entered value.
is less Finds the citations whose number is less than the entered value.
is greater Finds the citation whose number is greater than the entered value.
Author(s) contains The operator gives the best result if the spelling of a name or the position in the author's team is uncertain. The truncation character % does not have to be entered at the beginning or at the end of the word.
starts with The operator gives the best result when searching for the first author in the author's team. The truncation character % does not have to be entered at the end of a word.
is equal to The search for authors is made easier by a list of the different spellings of the personal names (see Author Names in the menu). First the entered term is searched in this list to find all associated spellings. Finally a search is made for them at any position in the author's team in the citations. A search with Linné or Linnaeus always leads to the wanted result.
Year is equal Finds articles for which the entered number corresponds to the publication date or is within the period of the publication date. For example, searching for 1834 will also find publications entered with 1830-1840.
is before Finds scientific articles published before the entered year.
is after Finds scientific articles published after the entered year.
Title contains The search is done with the so-called Boolean full text search. The operators + (plus) and - (minus) indicate that a word must be present or must not be present in order for there to be a match. Several words separated by ; (semicolon) can be entered in the input field below the title of a column. Truncation with % (percent) is possible at the end of words. Finally "" (double quotation marks) are used to enclose a fixed term that can consist of several words.
To find records based on words in the title of a publication and its translation, e.g. type frit; mongolia (words separated by semicolon) below "Title". The example returns 1169 citations whose titles contain either "frit" or "mongolia" or both words. With frit; mongol% you even get 1183 records.
To refine this result, write + (plus) in front of the searched words. So +frit; +mongol% gives "Švedskaja mucha (Oscinella pusilla Meig.) i temnobrjuchaja tolstonožka (Bibio nigriventris Haliday) v central'noj zemledel'skoj zone Mongol'skoj Narodnoj Respubliki = (Frit fly (Oscinella pusilla Meig.) and the black ventered march fly (Bibio nigriventris Haliday) in the central agriculture zone of the Mongolian Peoples Republic)".
With -frit; mongol% you exclude "frit" and get titles with "Mongolia" but without Fritfly.
The search for the fixed term "biological control" (with double quotation marks) finds 600 citations.
Keywords contains The search using keywords works in the same way as "Title". The keyword Agromyzidae selects all citations about this family. The large number of hits can be reduced by using fixed terms containing "Agromyzidae", e.g. "new Agromyzidae" (with double quotation marks). This question can be extended with a country, e.g. Sweden. Entering +"new Agromyzidae"; +Sweden (with plus, double quotation marks and semicolon) results in 55 hits for new taxa from Sweden.
The menu item "Keywords" leads to a list of all terms used.

3.2. Sort the Citations

After clicking reset, the lines in the hit list sorted by author and year. The current sorting can be recognized by the blue font on light background and the arrow in front of the column title in the table header. Furthermore, a small number indicates the order of the columns by which sorting was carried out.
The column titles are used to change the order. To do this, click on it, e.g. on Author(s). In the input list that now appears, select ↓descending (Z to A), unsorted or ↑ascending (A to Z). If the hit list is not automatically reloaded and displayed, click on submit.

4. Transliteration

Cyrillic from the Russian from Bulgarian from Ukrainian
А а a a a
Б б b b b
В в v v v
Г г g g h
Ґ ґ g
Д д d d d
Е е e e e
Є є je
Ё ё ë
Ж ж ž ž ž
З з z z z
И и i i y
I i i
Ї ї ї
Й й j j j
К к k k k
Л л l l l
М м m m m
Н н n n n
О о o o o
П п p p p
Р р r r r
С с s s s
Т т t t t
У у u u u
Ф ф f f f
Х х ch h ch
Ц ц c c c
Ч ч č č č
Ш ш š š š
Щ щ šč št šč
Ъ ъ " a
Ы ы y
Ь ь ' ' '
Э э ė
Ю ю ju ju ju
Я я ja ja ja

Transliteration of texts in Cyrillic script, German Institute for Standardisation & German Library Institute, DIN 1460 (1982)

5. Right of use

This online database is open access CC BY-SA 4.0.

You may:

You must:

Please cite the database as follows: von Tschirnhaus, M. & Groll, E. 2024: World Bibliography of Agromyzidae and Chloropidae Online. -